Durham Coal Mine Photos by: This report is quite late as I have been very busy at digs and shows over the past few weeks. It is also very short. Most of the pictures that were taken were on Sandy's camera and we cannot find the disk with those pics. These are a few I had on my camera. I have not had time to clean my finds from this dig and I will add those pictures when I get them done. If you attended the trip and have pictures of your finds, please email them to me and I will add them to the report. We had around forty members arrive Saturday morning for this two day dig. We showed the new members where to find the fossils. This site produces very nice plant fossils in abundance. You can literally load a truck of this stuff if you wanted to!
You can either dig through the dumps and break open the smaller pieces of shale and look for the fossils or find an outcrop and work on it for the larger pieces.
Ronnie Bellegia working the dumps.
Keith and the crew heading to a nice outcrop in the woods.
Nice fern fossil.
On Sunday I worked the outcrop that Keith, Mark and Tommy had been working. I found some very nice material, pics coming soon! |